Bert van Wee, London, 1-6-2015. Discussing transport appraisal guidelines. Meeting at the Department for Transport.

Bert van Wee, London, 1-6-2015, Transport, ethics and the appraisal of transport projects. University College London, Bartlett School of Planning, Seminar Critically examining the current approaches to transport appraisal.

Karel Martnens, Europeant Transport Conference 2015: Transport and Equity

Bert van Wee, Critiquing approaches to appraisal in transport planning, 1 June 2015, UCL seminar series: rethinking approaches in transport appraisal

Di Ciommo F., A. Aparicio, A socio-environmental impacts analysis of European Transport Research and Innovation projects: a critical review. TRB Transportation Research Board 94rd Annual Meeting, Subcommittee A0010

WIiT – Women ‘s Issues in Transportation, Why does equity in gender transport matter? TRB Transportation Research Board 94rd Annual Meeting, Committee AB70

Karel Martens. Rotterdam City Debate, on Accessibility poverty, 1 December 2014, Rotterdam

Pierluigi Coppola. Transportation Infrastructures: system analysis and social impacts assessment (La valutazione delle infrastrutture di trasporto: analisi di sistema e impatti sociali), La valutazione economica delle infrastrutture di trasporto tra errori passati e prospettive future , Milan (Italy) 6 June 2014, organized by the Italian society of Transportation Planning (SIPOTRA).